Sketching by the sea in Porto Recanati
5th – 12th June
2nd – 9th October
1,700 Euros – private room (inc. 200 Euro deposit) (approx £1,400)
1,000 Euros – non painting partner
During this holiday you will make your own traveller’s journal. You don’t need to be an accomplished artist, everyone’s journal is individual, using drawings and singular to themselves. Artisitic tuition is always on hand to build confidence. Your jounal will be about an artistic as well as an actual journey.
We travel around, looking at ways to capture the essense of a place and time, and having adventures. We work on loose leaf paper, so fear of the blank page, there is always another one. On the last day we string them all together to form a concertina journal. You can leave out anything you don’t like, chop them up and rearrange them. Its up to you. Extra points for making me laugh.
You can experiment with watercolour, pencils, gouache, watersoluble pen, permanent pen, acrylic, pan pastel and ink sticks etc – and discover for yourself which medium sparks your creativity.
Traveling is very precious and fleeting, and most tourists make it less precious and more fleeting by speeding from site to site, snapping photos…. Mediating one’s experience in a foreign land through a tiny camera screen is sinful, so I do my best to translate the fascinating things I see through my eyes, mind and hand. By letting the experience of a foreign land flow through you, it resonates in your memories in ways unavailable to the average tourist. When you spend three hours drawing the majestic expanse of the Roman Forum, you leave with a visceral recollection – the smell of the breeze, the shine of the marble, the murmur of thirty-odd languages intermingling.
Illustrator Seamus Hefferman
Even Pinturicchio’s angels enjoy a spot of journaling (Spello)
A beautiful, although relatively unknown pilgrimage town. In the centre of the ornate basilica you will find a tiny Palestinian house. Apparently the very house where the annunciation occurred. It was flown to Loreto by angels during the crusades. Loreto is the spiritual home of the Italian Airforce. Genius Logic. Plenty to journal about there!
What a wonderful, incredible, inspiring week. Such kindness and giggles and learning to paint. Times I will never forget.
Wonderful tutor, charismatic chef ….. good company, excellent food and amazing journaling! What more is there to say, we totally endorse all other comments,
I had a blast. Staying in your home and doing journaling and sketching will surely be a highlight of my trip! I will never see the world the same again. The yellow in the trees, shadow everywhere and damn perspective everywhere (so get used to it). I didn’t think I could do it but I did. Thanks for the laughs.
Many, many thanks for a fantastic week. Excellent company and fine food. We’ve both learnt a huge amount and hopefully have gained some new skills!
Thank you for an amazing week! People back home will never believe that there is such a gem of a place here in Gorgiano. … I’ll miss the amazing food, views and laughter …. I’ll be awaiting your arrival in Singapore for the next story slam.
Grazie per questa bella esperienza e soprattutt grazie per aver fatto passare le paura del ‘folio bianco’, ho imparato tanto in questa settimana, spero di tornare …
This home has an axolotl, Whose name isn’t Aristotle. It makes him sob, They have named him Bob. They must’ve been on the bottle.
Moira, Australia
Shirley UK
Wish I had done this course before I did the others, I wouldn’t have needed to search further afield.
Karyn, Canada
Rob, UK
Pete, UK
my progress has been so much more than I had hoped for.
Anna, Australia
Gera, Australia
Alan , Scotland
Marianne & Bjorn, Norway
Rona, UK
Rosemary, UK
Carole & Steve, UK
Sandra, UK
Jan & Anthea, UK
John and Alison, Guernsey
Srinath & Vasanta, UK
Tricia,NY, USA
Richard, UK
Jan, UK
Sanni, Finland
Johan, Finland
Val, UK
Wijitha, UK
Kirsty, UK
Pat, Canada
Mo, Australia
Deposit £200
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