The flowers are out for Painting holiday in Italy

wild plum at painting holidays in Itqaly
Wild cherry, letting it all hang out before the rest of the trees have even got their leaves on

I know I keep banging on about spring – but after the snow and mud, it is really the only show in town.  The fine weather means that we can get on with a few last jobs.  So Andrea is doing something with wood and Valentino is wrestling with stone, whilst I have been photographing blossom.  A strangely unappreciated job, but someone’s got to do it and it might as well be a gurl.

Next year we will be running a specialist flower drawing holiday at Painting Holidays Italy, ‘cos painting or drawing all these colours is just too good a chance to miss.

Close uf of quince blossom
Quince - just the most gorgeous blousey blossoms...
quince buds at painting holidays italy
with buds that look like something Mr Whippy would be proud of.

We’ve got lots of fruit trees at Painting Holidays in Italy, including apple, pear, plum, cherry, mulberry, apricot, quince and plenty of figs.  Not to mention walnuts and hazlenuts.  Which means that blossom time is a riot.

Painting holidays in Italy our little wisteria
Our little wisteria giving it all its got
walnut blossom
Walnut blossom, not flowery but hey..

Painting holidays italy, blossom, Judas tree
The Judas Tree – some say it got it’s name because it was the tree that Judas hung himself from and that every Easter it blushes with his shame, and each autumn bears seedcases just the right size for 30 pieces of silver.  Others say it’s a corruption of ‘Judea’ where the tree originated.  I say it could be both, and a good story is a good story.  We have a little one, (this one is in Camerino).  From little acorns…., or in this case,  pieces of silver.

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